Welcome To Cosmos Liquid

Our devotion to Quality Control Management demonstrates Cosmos' commitment to delivering products that exceed our customers' expectations. We collaborate with partners all over the world to develop cutting-edge technology that will help you clean your automobiles more effectively!

We are a Car/Bus/Truck wash liquid supplier situated in India and have been helping people all over the world since 2018. Because of the hard work of Mr. Harsh, We currently lead the way as the world's top-class washing solution manufacturer and provide a supply chain to deliver the whole range of Vehicle washing supplies to your doorstep.

Flawless Cleaning

We offer a line of DOT-classified car wash cleaning products. It attaches dirt particles to polymers, allowing them to be lifted from the surface.

Easy to handle

One can use our products with ease because each product has a balanced pH value, no irritating chemical odor, and is non-caustic.

24x7 Availability

At Cosmos Liquid, we all aim to provide the highest quality products and services to our consumers in order to optimize customer satisfaction.

Shiny Finish

At Cosmos Liquids, we manufacture and deliver washing products with a supply chain that traps debris for easy rinsing and a clean, shiny surface.


We just offer something distinct and better than other vehicle washes. Cosmos Liquid is for people looking for a more thorough clean.


Integrity, focus, and innovation are the pillars on which we work. By manufacturing a highly productive substance with our professional workforce, we can meet the particular needs of the customer.

  • International Package Delivery Capability
  • 100% Money-back Guarantee Scheme
  • Produce Environmental Friendly Products
  • Enhance the Customer Satisfaction


Active Experts


Happy Client


Workers Hand


Completed Project

Start Your Vehical Care Journey with Cosmos Liquid

At our company, we are committed to providing our clients with the finest products that effectively meet their diverse requirements. We firmly believe that innovation and constant advancement play a pivotal role in consistently delivering superior-quality chemicals.

Here are some rephrased examples of how we ensure consistency:

  • Ensuring consistency is a priority for us, and we achieve it through a meticulous process that involves human quality control at every stage of production. Our highly trained production staff carefully oversee each phase to maintain the highest standards.
  • To maintain consistency, we have implemented strict measures such as utilizing purified water throughout our production process. This helps us prevent any variations in mineral content or other contaminants that may affect the quality of our products.
  • Prior to bottling, our final products undergo a comprehensive inspection conducted by our head chemist. This thorough examination ensures that our products meet the desired quality standards before they are approved and packaged.

By implementing these practices, we strive to maintain consistency in our products and provide our customers with the utmost quality assurance.

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